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Fueled by fire, driven by courage.

Chief - Shane Rogers
Deputy Chief - Steven Cardwell
Assistant Chief - Steve Hargis
Business Meeting- 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm
Training- 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm

Burn Permits
October 15th of any year through May 15th of the next year, anyone starting an open-air fire within 500ft. of a forest, grassland, or woodland must by law secure a burning permit through the Division of Forestry. To obtain a burn permit in Blount County you either visit their website Division of Forestry or call 865-982-6264.
Weather Alert Siren
FVFD maintains an emergency alert siren for severe weather notifications. The siren will be activated in the event that severe, dangerous weather is moving through Friendsville Community and is accompanied by a National Weather Service warning. The siren is tested monthly, the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7 pm unless severe weather is in the area.

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